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27 June 2017

I’m definitely a walker. I live in the bike capital of Belgium, and due to the enormous ratio of students to population it’s the bike theft capital of Europe. Every single one of my friends commutes by bicycle, be it dropping kids off in the morning, going to the train station, or the entire commute. The train I take every morning and evening is full of people with collapsible bicycles.

I walk. About 5 kilometers every day. So does my father. He used to walk about the same to his lab, and that’s a route everyone bikes. My brother doesn’t own a bike. My sister doesn’t own a bike. It’s weirdly genetic. If we had a placard we’d be a weird movement. I’d claim the two wheeler was the devil’s machination. That man was not meant to balance. That we should weld them all together in a big, climable pyramid. Install all the bells in such a way that offenders can be punished by a cacophony of rings.

Not that I don’t like bicycles, I sometimes wonder what it would be like to be an inquisitive Luddite. Because I’m suspecting that perhaps they were right.
