Here comes Johnny

30 August 2011

Today I’m exited to discovered Johnny Depp is, again, doing what he does best: playing Hunter Thompson. Expect a movie adaptation of the excellent novel “The Rum Diary” at the tail end of October. I’m exited for two reasons:

  • because of Depp’s excellent performance portraying Thompson in Fear and Loathing (and, while you may think it’s a comical portrayal, it turns out that Thompson is actually exactly like that in real life).* The Rum Diary contains one perfect passage that I would quote verbatim if I hadn’t given away my copy the last time I quoted it. If I recall correctly: “I’ve been a rebel all my life"“drinking, running away, following my instinct. But I can’t help but wonder. When is my reward coming?““I’ve been a rebel all my life"“drinking, running away, following my instinct. But I can’t help but wonder. When is my reward coming?”