Serendipity pt 2 (128 + 1)

25 March 2011

A follow up to part one, which you can find here.She looks around the bar, not sure how to compose herself. All the other people in the bar assume she’s waiting for some one else to arrive. Perhaps feeling a bit sorry for her, as she’s been there for an hour already. And she doesn’t look like the kind of woman you would want to miss an appointment with. But they’re dead wrong. She’s not waiting. She’s assuming. To be more precise, she’s not assuming any more. She was assuming when she braved the snow to walk to this place one hour earlier. Assuming, even though what she was assuming was extremely unlikely. But, since it was the only possibility, she had to assume.

It’s been a year since she last saw him. 365 days to be exact. That’s why she assumed he would be here again, in the same place, the same date. The only thing that’s different, is that this time they would have been alone and able to talk privately. It’s been a couple of years more since that was possible.

Half hour later she puts on her coat and walks out. Oddly satisfied, the act of coming probably as fulfilling as the imagined serendipity realized. Even though she doesn’t realize it yet, her intuition was still right. She’s not alone when she walks back home, and neither was she when she went to the bar. Inside of her are 128 cell quickly developing into a person.