15 October 2010 permalinkA little change of scenery here. I’m participation in the Blog Action Day 2010. Which means I’ll write about water.
Like the thimblefull of tapwater my friend F drank in Beijing, rendering him incapable of leaving the toilet for 2 hours. Like the fountain in Skopje I talked about recently, connecting me to a local community for four hours. As well as giving them a communal meeting point for many years. Like in lake Ochrid, where we build a small raft out of empty water jugs, and tried to sail it to Albania. Like in Istanbul, where there are vendors everywhere when it’s hot, selling extremely cold halfliter bottles for nothing. Like in Montenegro, where my lived on it every day, and depended on it for transport. Like so many things in life, it’s universal. Take care of it. Flush intelligently. www.change.org/petitionswww.change.org/petitions