Nesfe Jahan, pt 5

26 August 2010

As a counterpoint to the assault and battery experiences on the water recently, I indulged and spend about 4 hours in a Hungarian bath. Well, I spend about 4 hours in a Turkish bath in Hungary to be precise. After a couple of hours, all present worries are processed in your head. And you only have the easy choices to make in life. 18, 22, 32, 36 or 42 degrees? Steam bath or sauna? Rinse with a bucket, shower, or freezing pool? It’s been a long while since I’ve so been in touch with my body , and it feels great. It’s also very funny to see all the experts at work. Hungary is such a great country, that some retirees get free access for medical reasons. And go there every day for 4 hours. Tell me another civilized country where this is possible.